Trying To Put Out My Dumpster Fire


The AmLit Bash

My American Lit teacher is driving me fucking batshit. Batshit I say!

Im currently wondering why I lost points on my ROUGH draft. Mind you she says that you dont need the whole thing done and it can be rough around the edges and blah blah blah.

Then she grades mine and grades it harshly like it was my final. So I lost points. Dafuq? Since it is a rough draft I should have gotten ALL the points because I turned something in. That makes sense in my world but apparently not hers. Also my other pet peeve with her is her participation habits. Being online we have to participate some many fucking times during the week (thats a whole OTHER vent) and get points for them. The instructors post questions and we the students answer them. This crazy lady will actually lock the fucking questions when she feels we're done with them. I have NEVER had an instructor do that before.

So you want me to participate but then you lock all the questions I was actually interested in answering and only leave the ones I had nothing to say unlocked? Nice. And she does this randomly as well. Like I could log on, see the questions are available. Then I leave the class, work on said questions which I swear are like mini essays, and then 20 minutes later I return to post and theyre LOCKED! Thats happened to me and everytime I get super pissed. Like what. the. fuck. I just wasted 20 minutes answering questions that I cant actually get credit for. Then I have to go back and answer another set of questions, only to rush because Im paranoid that she'll lock them on me as well.

And to make matters even more complicated she doesnt always lock the ones with a lot of posts. One time there was legit 10 posts (which is very minimal some posts can go for like 20-40 replies) and she locked it. I didnt even get a chance to answer any of those questions, hell half the class didnt either.

Its just so URRRGGGGGGGG!!!

Thank goodness this is the last week of this mess.

10:06 pm - Friday, Oct. 31, 2014


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