Trying To Put Out My Dumpster Fire


Hair Is Hella Hard To Do

Chunky two strand twists are a no go. I dont quite understand where it all went wrong. Youre just twisting hair. But I had some weird looking twists. They werent all uniform which was trying me nuts. And I might have made them too chunky cause they were falling out a bit so it looked like fake dangling from the real hair. Im so not trying to look like a home ec project. *sigh*

So I took em all out. My mom said she'd help me today but her tone implied she really didnt want to. Plus she also confessed that she hated this whole "fake hair" thing and that I was "getting too old" and if I would just take care of my "real hair" which is "good hair" then I would be alright.

Not gonna lie it actually hurt my feelings when she said that.

The fake hair thing is extensions and they are a protective hair style. When I put my real hair in the fake hair its protecting my real hair and keeping it from getting further damaged. I have spent some time trolling natural hair websites so I know. I thought she understood that. Plus there is no age limit. As long as you know how to do it right no one ever looks at someone sideways about the extensions. Ive googled various hairstyles and Ive seen pictures of beautiful women all sorts of ages rocking different looks. I just think its nice to get a break from my real hair and switch it up.

For now I just put the hair away. I told my mom dont even worry about helping me today. In a week or two I will revisit the hair and Ill figure out how to properly install whatever hairstyle and just do it myself.

9:50 am - Friday, Oct. 24, 2014


The Twisty Lost Sexologist

Eh. Ive got so many thoughts rolling around in my head I dont know where to start. Which means I should start using this thing more.

The other day I had a mild panic attack. I realized this list of schools I had to get my Masters dont actually have the field I need. They either offered undergrad (which Im on my last year) or a Ph.D (which Ill need AFTER I finish the Masters) but no actual Masters.

This led me to freak out. I should have actually crossed referenced my list to double check to make sure the schools ACTUALLY had what I needed.

This led me to do more research. Found some schools but a whole lot smaller pool to choose from. Like I could go to CA, NY, PA, FL, or Canada. I was looking at PA and my mom was all like why are you going out of state? Doesnt WI have what you need? Its super expensive and blah blah blah.

This was the same woman who told me like 2 days before that I needed to buy stuff for a place so when I finish my degree I could move out. Well, hello. Im finding places to go. I dont think she quite understands that I am NOT staying in WI. I just cannot.

Also the same woman who told me I should start taking cabs home when I close from work since she is tired of being taxi driver. Whenever I asked if I needed to take a cab she'd be like no I'll come get you. Then one day I got off of work early and I took a cab home (hilarious experience. took him 30 minutes to get to me cause he was lost. then he was super annoyed that i couldnt give him direction to get to me. like hello? you drive people around for a living. get a gps.) she was all like how come you didnt call me? I wouldve came and got you. Mixed signals that woman.

Anyway so I googled sexologists. Looked at resumes. Emailed a few. What I can gather so far into my research is that they all got a Masters in clinical psychology from where ever and then got licensed through AASECT for the specific sexology. That sounds easy enough. Plus it widens my pool for potential schools.

Im re-doing my hair again. I wanted box braids ala Kerri Hilson buuuuuuuuut I discovered I cant braid for shit. Like seriously. I cannot braid. I tried. So now Im trying chunky two strand twists. So far? Eh. They are not looking perfectly twisty and it is pissing me off. So I stopped for tonight.

8:49 pm - Wednesday, Oct. 22, 2014


Past Fuck Ups - Future Lessons

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