Trying To Put Out My Dumpster Fire


My Spirit Is Weeping

My feelings are so incredibly hurt right now.

My mom is no longer talking to me right now. I'm tired of this family. So tired.

I tried.

Her boyfriend Boomerang (they've been on and off for like 3 years) keeps whining to my mom how I'm mean to him.

Yesterday I didn't even do anything. I let him in the house and we hung out in the living room. We really didn't say much to each other. And when my mom got home he runs and tells her I'm being mean. Then she gets this weird Im-trying-to-hard lilt in her voice and goes Phaythles didnt we talk about this you aren't supposed to be rude.

I'm rude for not talking to him I guess. I was rude the night before because I "abandoned" him.

He came over and once again my mom wasnt home. Once again we were in the living room. I was done with the living room so I got up and left and started doing dishes and random little things.

I was rude then too. I just cant. And Im so fucking mad that this man WONT say anything to me. He only bitches to my mom. Then my mom starts freezing me out and we won't talk.

This constant up and down is fucking with my head. Why am I always the bad guy?

11:22 am - Friday, Dec. 20, 2013


Hungry Plus

My mom and I have been making up new words. We read somewhere that someone used the word "hangry" to describe how angry and hungry they were. We've used it numerous times but found it to be limiting because we aren't always hungry and angry. It inspired us to create the following:

Helusional = delusional + hungry

Helirious = delirious + hungry

Hold = cold + hungry

Hissy = pissy + hungry

Hirritable = irritable + hungry

Hoozy = woozy + hungry

I cannot begin to even describe how much I like saying "hoozy". It just tickles me on the inside. What a fun word.

1:16 pm - Saturday, Dec. 14, 2013


Numbered Packaged Christmas

We put up our Christmas tree a few days ago. It's so pretty. And there are already a shit ton of presents (mostly from me at this point).

To throw off my nosey ass brothers EVERY package got a number. No name. Only a number. And random numbers at that. The following:

87. 64. 52. 23. 17.

I find it hilarious that it is driving my brothers insane. They're shaking packages. They're coming up with weird theories. My one brother Seventeen came up with Michael Jordans number 23 and Seventeen loves basketball so 23 must be his.

What? Do you really think I put THAT much fucking thought into it?


Another theory was that 52 was Bub who just turned 7 and 5 plus 2 equals 7.

Oh jeez. But speaking of Bub he did have quite a colorful meltdown because he is now worried I will forget who gets what number and he'll end up opening the wrong present or he'll forget to open his or some shit.

Relax kiddies. Phaythles got this.

8:09 pm - Tuesday, Dec. 10, 2013


Past Fuck Ups - Future Lessons

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