Trying To Put Out My Dumpster Fire


Bitch Blog: Fifth Edition

So those cookies didn't quite come out to be my bitch. They looked more like mulatto oblong cookies than the little french macarons. Need to pipe those fuckers better. But I shall avail and come out on top. #MakeTheCookieMyBitch

My mini whoopie pies came out fuckin awesome! And they were a hit. I also made the filling myself. There was a chocolate glaze type of filling and there was a fluffy buttercream filling.

The buttercream was not my favorite. It tasted like melted butter to me. I get that the title is "buttercream" but do I have to taste the damn fat? Shit. Can't we mask it so I can pretend I'm not eating a calorie bomb? Is that too much to ask for?

Apparently it was. So next time I'm tweaking the recipe.

I started my statistics class. The first 2 days I was like I fuckin hate this shit.

Now I am feeling a bit better.

The funiest thing to me is what I put in my intro. I honestly didn't expect as many comments as I've gotten.

"I'm working on my bachelors in psychology although I love psychology I'm still not quite sure where I'm going with this. I'm leaning to something in the human sexuality field like a sexologist. For fun me and my family are what we like to call artsy-craftsy. We like to make things, bake things, paint things, etc. My younger brother has a thing for cardboard boxes (what kid doesn't?) and we collect them to make things. For the bigger boxes we paint and decorate to make them cars or airplanes that he and his stuffed dog can ride in. And for smaller boxes along with paper towel rolls we make little cardboard people and we actually made this pretty sweet cardboard castle. My mom cut up a bunch of magazines so we're also making mosaic tile artwork. And in a few days I'll be making these little french cookies called macarons for the first time and I'm pretty excited. Also recently bought the 48 piece Crayola chalk which I was thrilled to find and our driveway looks awesome. :)"

Ive had people say they were either jealous of our artsy-craftsy family or they wanted to know how or where we came up for inspiration. And a lot of wow you guys have a talented family.

The funny thing is? We dont strive to be artsy-craftsy we just are. This is what we do normally so to have people say we're awesome is funny in a way. It was a great learning experience to realize how we behave and such.

And the only reason I went into such description was cause I said I wanted to be a sexlogist and for those not familar with me or that term may thought I was some pervy person or some whore with sex on the brain. So I wanted to counterbalance those thoughts.

9:27 am - Monday, May. 13, 2013


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