Trying To Put Out My Dumpster Fire


Curly Haired Gym

I had a lady compliment my hair yesterday.

I walked Bub (9) down to school and on my way back this little red car stops and this lady in her 30s has her window down. Her hair is short, blonde and straight.

She stopped to tell me that my hair was gorgeous and hopefully I didnt think shes too weird for stopping in the middle of the road. And how my hair was really pretty and that more people needed to wear their hair natural. I kept thanking her and smiling.

When she drove off I had the biggest grin on my face. It put a little pep in my step.

It also made me look at my hair differently. Its been acting crazy so I have been focused on that. With the humidity its been bunched up. Stretched out it reaches slightly pass my shoulders (which excites me since Im trying to grow it longer) but lately its chin length since its misbehaving. Some days it looks all dry and crackly even though I layered on fucking products the night before and tied it up. There are so many days where I have one hair style in the morning but something completely different by evening because my hair is apparently a living chia pet that morphs. In sum my hair is being disrespectful.

Its been driving me nuts that I would like to go find a Fatima or TeeTee to get my hair done in box braids. So it felt nice that someone complimented it.

When I went home I took a good look at it. Instead of it being not doing what I would like I realized I have a head full of curly hair that is kinda thick (which I never believed when someone told me that cause i want big ass hair. i do see hella chicks that have frail thin looking hair.) which makes me grateful. When my hair behaves I can do different hair styles with it and manipulate my curl pattern. Basically Im glad to be reminded that I have awesome hair.

When I told my mom about the lady she also thought it was nice and essentially was like duh you have good hair.

I worked out this morning (got up at 430 and was at the gym by 5) and I feel good. Sore but good. Im excited that Im really trying to get healthy and being dedicated to the gym. This is only my second week but still, snaps for phayth.

8:38 am - Friday, Jun. 03, 2016


Past Fuck Ups - Future Lessons

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