Trying To Put Out My Dumpster Fire


Cuss Jar Hottie Confused Bout Daylight Savings Time

ugh...well my lil bro Seven(the pro wrestler)...lost his very tooth today...and then he lost it for n we still cnt find the damn i was totally excited for him even though he wouldnt let me take a pic of him missin his very first tooth...he also stayed home today cuz he was sick...riiiight...and nfact he kept lookin over my shoulder when i was tryin to write my last entry and he was keepin track of how many times i musta been a whole hell of a lot cuz he told mom on me and then came to tell me mom said i shouldnt be cussin and i need to stop writin cuss told him he needs to quit readin over my damn shoulder...

My sister once started a coin jar...everytime i swore id owe her a nickel...riiiiight...that lasted for like a mnth if that...i ended up owin her ass like $40 and i sooo wasnt payin up....

i for sum reason keep thinkin bout this whole daylight savings time the hell do u lose an hr? I mean i dnt get it...half the yr we gain an hr and the other half we lose it...yet we still have a full 24 hrs thru the where the hell does that hr go? Mayb its missin we just dnt realize it...kinda like the whole witchin hr thing...but i find that very hard to blieve since im a night owl and i function pretty well n the day...but no one knows that i i guess that means i need to leave it alone for now...

and since this entry is bout random goin to put n the fact that i hate first i thought they were cute and funny...but now im so fuckin sick of them...and its not even ones youve never read...its the same thing they send u every so often on ur damn phone...i got this one the other day:

4.crazy friend baby
9.I'd tap you!

riiiight...idk...but the thing that gets me is ull get a fwd bout somethin all innocence and then theyll add 'sexy' or 'hottie' or sum shit...kinda like they need everyone to send them back txts sayin 'ill bang u' and 'ur so hot' me that just seems pathetic...i kno i get tired of ppl tellin me im hot or that my boobs are 'fuckin HUGE' cnt u see me for me? I totally wouldnt mind someone callin me nice or a dork or have a wicked sense of humor...hell id even take sarcastic bitch...

It just shows that u were actually payin attention...

11:12 pm - Monday, Mar. 09, 2009


Fuckin A Peaches & Gummy worm

This is like the 3rd time ive tried to write this entry...its gotten to the point it now sounds flat as hell...kinda like im wrkin this shit out so why am i tryin to write the same issue down...again...again...ugh...

*sighs*...anyway wrk on sat was okay...i did alrite...not kickass but pretty good...and i was excited to see cupcake(female,cowrker and she shoulda got a nickname a looooong time ago)...she balances me out...shes my wrk bff...if that makes any sense...we dnt really have time to hang out of wrk...she has a baby and a man...and well my life is just...well life...

anyway i told her my issues w/peaches and gummy worm and grn m&m...she thought it was funny that i would take on so many ppl frm wrk...but she understood where i came frm...i told her it was her fault cuz she left my ass for a wk so she could go to fl(lucky bitch!)...but she agreed to everything i was sayin...and this was the reason why she doesnt get close to any of our cowrkers but me...

which i understand now cuz shes the only one at wrk that i can really tlk too...I make friends easy i guess...but damn i never figured all this shit would go down at wrk...which is why cupcake is slow to trust anyone...but once she gives it she has ur back...which is how i am too...which would also be why at wrk no one knows a whole lot of shit bout me or her...i tell her everythin...shit that went btween me and twizzler...and the shit that happens with my fam...and the drama at wrk...and not a wrd gets leaked...which is prolly why she didnt have a nickname...i never have any issues w/her...anyway...

Sometimes i feel as if i was losing my damn mind...

Thus is the reason i pour my heart out to cupcake and why she does it to me...we check each other and make sure we're not out of line or not wicked crazy...haha...

On fri gummyworm txted this rate i was sooo fuckin fed up w/shit...that i wanted to explode...have u ever noticed when ur angry ur bloodin starts pumpin and u feel this rush like ur ready/waitin to fuck sumone up? Thats how i felt...which prolly shows how pissed i not an angry person...

Gummyworm: so..i went out w/fred(ugh cnt think of a foodie nickname right now)last night.

Phaythles: Yeah i what happened?

Gummyworm: Ugh...I cant stop smiling

Phaythles: Oh god...what did u guys do?

Gummyworm: well..he kissed me. but idk..i like him.

Phaythles: Okay...u might wanna tell sourpatch ur thru w/him and moved on to fred...

Gummyworm: I have...boy did that go well..he treated me like he was my bf last night..he freaked out. i get that theres feelings there..but hes so fucking clingy i cant stand it.

Phaythles: *sighs* he txted me last tired of hearin bout this shit to b honest...seriously its fuckin old...i told sourpatch that he needs to move the fuck on cuz ur now purposely just fuckin w/his head...and that u only want him n ur life when u want sumone to give ur lil ass sum i told him he can put up w/ur shit but he cnt bitch...or he can just leave u the fuck alone...

Gummyworm: lol..nice. im past the point of wantin to be friends with him. he doesnt get that..idk. i dont want a relationship. he pushed to hard. n pushed me away. its done.

Phaythles: w/e...not like u havent said all this shit b4...then u wanna tell me ya'll made out or w/ i said i dnt wanna hear bout this shit anymore...u wanna act like ur all confused but i do honestly think ur doin this shit for attention and cuz u enjoy fuckin w/his head for the attention...makes u feel like top bitch or sum shit...

and yeah havent heard frm her since...i was wicked pissed...which is why i cussed alot...i swear like a fuckin sailor when im pissed or excited...and i was at the point that night where i wanted to take on peaches too...but i didnt wanna send a txt and b like im fuckin pissed at u...that just seemed dumb...but i was usin my 'mind powers' and hopin she'd txt me so i could blow up at her...guess im not a superhero cuz it didnt

well i wrk w/peaches on we'll see what happens...not sure when i next wrk w/gummyworm...idk i have no regrets...we'll just play this shit by ear...

2:20 pm - Monday, Mar. 09, 2009


Sibling SMACKdown...

well i was gonna pour out my heart and...well...all my issues but imma have to put this shit on pause cuz my siblings sound like theyre tryin out for wwe or what not...

I will note that daylight savings time is a bitch...for i am a lover of sleep and im quite fond of that extra to take it away seems cruel...

10:30 pm - Sunday, Mar. 08, 2009


Fuck the Foodie Bitches

I hate bitches...I fuckin hate bitches...and i dnt mean just females either...

Issue 1:

Sourpatch txts me...tellin me hes done w/gummy fuck her and all that and hes pissed...basically they had plans today to hang and she blew him off for her friends and an old cowrker(male...he has no nickname yet) to go clubbin...which is weird cuz the girl doesnt club...but w/e...

so this shit is pissin me off...cuz they got me stuck as theyre fuckin shrink n the middle...i dnt mind helpin and givin advice...but damn...dnt come to me if ur NEVER goin to listen...

So i told sourpatch...he needs to leave her the fuck alone...cuz now shes purposly doin this shit to him...and she doesnt want him n her life unless she feels shes wants him...always gotta b on her this point i blieve shes just usin him for basically when she needs it...she enjoys playin mind games...which surprises me but w/e...ppls true colors always come out...u cnt hide urself for long before u go nuts...

I told him he could stay and try to wrk shit w/her...but cnt bitch...or he leaves her the fuck alone...I understand that he has feelings for her and he cnt turn them off just cuz shes actin like a bitch...but at the same time...u have to protect/watch out for urself...

So he claims hes thru but we've had this whole thing we'll just see what happens....

Issue 2:

Peaches and fuckin peanutbutter...I guess peaches is mad/upset cuz no one hung w/her on that sat...does it surprise me? No...cuz she bailed on us on that fri when we were at cheaps...and its not so much that she didnt come...its more to the fact that she went and told everyone shes sick...but then wants to b like i had ppl over and we were drunk and im still a lil mad at them for all this...cuz how they handled themselves was totally shady/stupid...

Peaches claims she wanted everyone to come and party at her house...what the fuck ever...NOBODY at cheaps kne bout this party...NO ONE was fuckin invited...and the only reason i got an nvite was cuz i was like how come i didnt get an nvite...

So Grn m&m tells me peaches was bitchin at her but now they wrked it out...which i was like wtf...idk i hear i have to much pride and itll b my downfall...but at the same now puttin grn m&m n the whole im goin to save my own face category that the rest of our mangers at wrk do...cuz its cover ur own ass and save urself is there fuckin motto i swear...

Idk...its not like im beefin w/peaches but at the same time im mad at her...and she cnt get too upset w/me cuz it aint like shes tryin to reach me either...

I told grn m&m that all the females at wrk r out of theyre fuckin mind...she asked if i was ncluded...

well why the hell not...

1:03 pm - Friday, Mar. 06, 2009


Past Fuck Ups - Future Lessons

Current Issue


Past Issues




Those I Heart:
