Trying To Put Out My Dumpster Fire


Twitchy Eye Greys

My left eyelid has literally been twitching the past 2 days.

Hello, stress! Hello, family!

Im also super excited that Dr Burke is coming back to Greys Anatomy even if for only one episode.

I personally thought he was an awesome actor and felt it was bullshit to blacklist him the way they did. Was there NO OTHER way to work out the issues?

Shortly after that I stopped watching the show because I thought it was garbage. I keep getting surprised that its on tv.

I am here for scandal though. Shiiiiiiit.

10:50 pm - Thursday, Mar. 06, 2014


Attack Munchkins! Attack! Said the Mild Burger Beast Whose Babies Need Wine

I played laser tag yesterday. Talk about munchkins attack. Im so serious there was a birthday party or something and our 1 o'clock laser party ended up with like 15 6-7 year olds. Wasn't too bad. But those little kids get kinda crazy.

I had a few that would stalk me for a while. So every time I "died" they would shoot me. Every. Time. I couldnt escape.

Another one ended up on my team and he was too cute. He would tag along and try to have my back.

Ive been baking a whole lot. Ive been experimenting with short bread cookies (coffee flavored with yummy espresso glaze) I also made coffee cake, a bunch of different breads like banana, chocolate banana, apple, chocolate cinnamon and things of that nature.

I now want to try the whole cheese and herb types of breads. And I wanna be crazy good with burgers.

I made a simple cheese burger the other night. So proud that I got my one flip trick down halfway through making burgers. I googled burgers and the pictures and tips I saw.

I am fucking amazed. I want to become a mild beast in burgers.

Work has been going good. They keep giving me new people to train. This upsets me slightly. I keep telling them training a new person is like having a baby. I do not have a baby and I am not ready for that responsibility. If I fuck up the new person all they have to do is go well Phayth trained em. Ugh. I just dont feel confident enough to do so. Plus I pretty much only work weekends. And I am not a manager. Have the fucking HR train them. The front end supervisor (who trained me) train them. Hire a fucking trainer to train them.

There are options.

Other than that work has been going really well. My numbers for the past few weeks have been consistently decent. I also need to make nicknames for everyone so I can talk about em. A few I actually do like.

Theres more. I know there is. But Im running out of energy.

Oh! I also want to get better at consuming wine. Like knowledgeable and actually able to drink red wine which skeeves me. But I think it would be cool to know the basics.

I feel this is the year of me. And I want to branch out and try different things. Explore and really find myself. What the fuck makes Phaythles happy?

So theres that.

9:35 pm - Monday, Feb. 24, 2014


Past Fuck Ups - Future Lessons

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