Trying To Put Out My Dumpster Fire


They Fixed Him (Well Sorta)

What a couple of days. I feel exhausted mentally. I need a vacation. Or like a week where everything is fine and we're normal.

My brother made it through. (Thanks so much for the well wishes everyone!!) I am incredibly grateful. It feels surreal that it was only a few days ago where I was on the brink of losing my mind because I was scared he was dying and now Im sitting on the couch next to him watching cartoons.

There is a whole nightmarish story about his trip to the hospital that Im honestly in no mood to rehash. Those people there aint shit. The 2 days he was in the ICU they stabilized his breathing but they pretty much focused on his asthma and accusing my mom of not properly parenting. I dont know what it is in the state of WI but they tend to frown upon single parents. We've dealt with these comments at school or whatever but this is a first that we've dealt with them in a hospital setting. In MI this was no big deal but I heard that people in WI frown upon those who are single parents because theyre on welfare. Even though we're not. So whatever. But I will say even if we were it still doesnt give them the right to treat my mom and my brother like they did. Somehow the word got to the director or some shit because Thursday morning some hospital official is calling my mom to apologize for the gross mistreatment. I told my mom I was proud that she didnt snap on someone and get arrested or some shit.

Because of their narrow minds they MISSED what was wrong with him. Yeah the big fancy hospital fucked up.

We got him home late Wed even though they didnt want to let him go because they pretty much said they didnt think my mom knew how to take care of an asthmatic kid. But all they were doing was giving him an inhaler every couple of hours. We have his inhalers at home.

Turns out he has fucking pneumonia. We find this out Thurs because he had to go to his doctors for a follow up. His doctor was amazed that the hospital didnt even bother to do a chest xray especially since he was admitted into the hospital for extreme respiratory distress (his lungs werent working).

His doc gave him meds and warned us that Bub (7) could turn at any moment for the worst.

It was like being on red alert to relax a bit to only notch it back up. Its been insane. I was drinking an obscene amount of caffeine and broke out in hives on my legs and arms. Also was smoking so much MY fucking lungs were hurting.

Thankfully he had a doc check up again today and he passed. We have to keep up on his meds but he is no longer at risk of dying.

Im so fucking relieved. There is literally no words I can think of to describe how I am feeling.

9:49 pm - Monday, Sept. 15, 2014


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