Trying To Put Out My Dumpster Fire


Zero Fucks For Retail

I almost snapped on some bitches at work today. I cant stand lazy people. We all know when we have to close. We all know the store needs to be cleaned before we leave. There was 6 of us. 1 in the back. 1 at the front end. That left 4 to clean the rest. The store isnt that big. For some reason only 2 of us were cleaning. One area wasnt done. I left anyway. Fuck it. I cleaned my area and 2 others that werent even mine. I earned my time to leave. Since you bum bitches wanna stay so late you do it. I already know they were mad and Im gonna be talked about. I honestly dont have any fucks left to give to this place or the people in it.

11:51 pm - Saturday, Oct. 04, 2014


The ADDs Melting Brain

Soooo is it me or did this format box change? I honestly didnt think anyone was running this site. I mean someone would have too. But I think I only thought there were like the same 30 ancient, diehard, long time Dlanders on here floating around.

Moving on.

I had a shit ton of homework. My brain pretty much imploded and melted on Wednesday. I turned in an essay on what it meant to be an American by analyzing Crevecoeur and Bradford like 45 minutes before it was due. That is a first (and better be fucking last!) for me. Before that I had a powerpoint presentation on autism and the brain functionings and all that. It was a stressful day.

While researching autism I saw a link for ADD. Specifically if you had ADD take this test and we'll figure out what kind you have! It amused me to no end to see that link on the side. Researching a paper only to get distracted by an ADD site asking you to test for ADD.

Of course I did it. Homework due be damned!

My results:

For people with this type, the core ADD symptoms are compounded by trouble shifting attention and the tendency to get "stuck" in negative thought patterns and/or behaviors. In addition, there are often symptoms of longstanding mood issues, mood instability, lower motivation, irritability and often memory or learning issues, plus symptoms of being anxious.

My ADD type: Overfocused, Temporal Lobe, Limbic, Anxious

The link incase anyone elses wishes to be diagnosed:

Then after you get your results. A video pops up by some guy talking (he was on mute there is only so many distractions I will allow while doing homework) and a bunch of shiny ads to buy his shit so he can give you a fulfilled life. Blah blah blah.

I will give him credit. My ADD summary was pretty much spot on.

10:57 pm - Thursday, Oct. 02, 2014


Phaythles Hates Homework & Being Fake

School started again. Im drowning in my American Lit class. The amount of essays I need to write and the amount of shit I need to read is fucking crazy. Its a 6 week class. My teacher is a fucking sadist. Im starting to hate this school I swear.

Mom picked me up from work with Boomerang in the car. Which meant I was in the backseat folded up like a damn pretzel (Im 5'10!) because he is one of those people who lean their seats way back. Ugh. I barely talked to either of them. Which means Ill probably get in trouble by my mom again.

I cant be fake. I dont know how to control my emotions.

To most people this is no big deal. Apparently my inability to pretend I like someone is completely frowned upon.

I cant help it.

If they were together for 3 months straight without breaking up and her crying somewhere then maybe Ill find it in me to be nice.

The amount of shit that I have to read and write and turn in is fucking stupid. I cant decide if I want a bottle of wine, a pack of smokes or to bang my head against the fucking table.


9:26 pm - Saturday, Sept. 27, 2014


Past Fuck Ups - Future Lessons

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Those I Heart:
