Trying To Put Out My Dumpster Fire


Fuzzy Optics

I've got new glasses! Woot woot!!

I feel like I can now see in HD. Before everything still had a fuzzy haze to it even when I wore my old glasses. Hell I dont have to lean in so close on my laptop.

Turns out I'm pretty much blind in my left eye. Which shocked the shit outta me. I sat there in that chair switching the black plastic spoon from eye to eye in amazement that my left was so fucking bad.

The doc pretty much shrugs it off like it happens. Then he said something about it being illegal to drive with my left eye. But I was preoccupied with the fact that my left eye couldn't tell apart the big fucking letters, so Im not a hundred percent sure what he was talking about.

Did I need a prescription to drive? If both my eyes were my left eye would I be banned from driving? Was my old prescription so bad that I shouldn't be driving? All of the above?

Whatever. I can clearly see now. I also went with a full frame instead of the half and they are a blueish color and squarish to complement my round face.

I feel like I found me. And thats all that matters.

6:28 pm - Saturday, Feb. 01, 2014


End of World A'la Wall*E

At work my coworker told me that he was watching this thing about space. He discovered if a person smoked 1 menthol cigarette then they wouldn't be allowed in space for either 5 or 7 years because of the crystals in the lungs.

Now I've smoked packs of menthol cigarettes.

What if our world ends and we all have to move to space like in Wall*E? I would be fucked and hunting through crushed garbage trying to fend for myself.

How depressing is that? Ive never thought about going to space but now that I found that I cant Im slightly offended and my feelings are hurt and my mind keeps playing the what if game.

Damn those jerks for denying me my freedom.

3:48 pm - Monday, Jan. 20, 2014


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