Trying To Put Out My Dumpster Fire


Bitch Blog: Absorbed Kitty

Got a new bank card. It is no longer Hello Kitty since my bank suddenly doesnt offer it anymore. Now I have an ugly generic bank of america card. Ugh.

I suddenly had a craving for Imeem which was this super awesome music playlist website that I used back in the day. It got shut down and horribly absorbed into myspace. So it no longer exists even though every once in awhile I want it to. Ugh.

9:25 pm - Thursday, May. 15, 2014


Bitch Blog: Quotes

I like a good quote:

"There comes a time when you have to confront your past, chuckle at your mistakes, pick up your peace and KEEP marching forward.�~Alex Elle

"We can't be so desperate for love that we forget where we can always find it; within." ~Alex Elle

"A warrior feeds her body well. She trains it, works on it. Where she lacks knowledge, she studies. But above all, she must believe in her strength of will and purpose and heart and soul." ~David Gemmel

Last one sounds badass to me and makes me want to work out and get my body right. I am afterall a goddamn warrior.

12:18 pm - Wednesday, May. 14, 2014


Bitch Blog: Bitchin Corn

All my brothers do is bitch. All four of em.

Bitch bitch bitch. Poke poke poke.

Dont they get tired of their fucking bickering?!

Its enough to make me crawl up a wall.

This customer at work got angry today for some stupid ass reason. All I kept thinking was that she looked like corn on the cob. She was older, blocky and wearing a yellow long sleeved shirt with a puffy green vest.

I had trouble taking her seriously.

11:06 pm - Tuesday, May. 13, 2014


Bitch Blog: Bras & Rape Culture

I was reading about Yellowberry training bras for adolescent girls today for my one class. Interesting concept because this teenager launched a business based on what she felt was a need.

Ive never needed a training bra though. I was wearing real ones in 5th grade. In 6th grade I was a C cup. In 8th grade I was a D cup and when I entered high school I was a DD.

So I can say I've never had a longing for breasts or feeling the need to stuff my chest.

Also through my bra Googling feast where I was reading comments I came across this:

"Upon seeing the original photo (photo is a girl who is topless just hanging out I guess) a person wrote, "...but then again, its kind like putting a meat suit on and telling a shark not to eat you." --- Another responded, "We men are not fucking sharks! We are not rabid animals living off of pure instinct. We are capable of rational thinking and understanding. Just because someone is cooking food doesn't mean you are entitled to eat it. Just because a banker is counting money doesn't mean you're being given free money. Just because a person is naked doesn't mean your entitled to fuck them. You are not entitled to someone else's body just because it is exposed. What is so fucking difficult about this concept?"

Retrieved from:

Love it. There was another discussion going on a couple months ago on Twitter where someone asked people to reply with what they were wearing when they were sexually assaulted. That shit give me goosebumps. Some of them started adding ages and situations. Like the one who was 5 and hid her younger sister under the bed to protect her.

We need more discussions like this though. We have a society and culture that is rape prone and blames the victim. Its NEVER do NOT rape. The message is ALWAYS how NOT to GET raped. Its a fucked up message because it puts the weight on those who were abused.

11:21 am - Monday, May. 12, 2014


Bitch Blog: Wool Over Credit

I have officially become a victim of credit card theft.

I feel awful.

One was in Kentucky. Like I would ever go there.

The other one was over 900$ at Best Buy online.

What. The. Fuck.

I feel pissed. I feel anxious. I feel like someone I knew violated me. My personal space has been compromised.

Fucking Assholes.

7:45 pm - Sunday, May. 11, 2014


Past Fuck Ups - Future Lessons

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