Trying To Put Out My Dumpster Fire


Fucking Gremlins Gay Bitch Who Kicks Rocks

So now we are moving past race relations in my Soc class. Which is great since the whole black face thing has me looking sideways at quite a few of my classmates.

And when I saw peoples Halloween costumes like Miley dressed as Lil Kim and Ellen dressed as Nicki Minaj. Neither one of them needed to "complete" the costume by smearing black paint on themselves. And everyone knew who they were. Hello? Black face once again NOT necessary.

This week we are talking about the LGBT community. And we aren't supposed to get all emotional or defensive. We'll see how that goes.

Me personally I've NEVER saw anything wrong with someone who was gay. To be honest I don't even know why or how that even came about since my family has issues with homosexuality and I'm not even gay.

We used to get in crazy ass debates when I was younger. It would always involve the Bible, child molesters and people fucking sheep (I have no words for that one). Then we'd escalate to screaming matches pretty much between myself my mother and my brother Seventeen (21) where we'd then stop talking to each other (well those two vs me) for days. Then a couple months down the road we'd do the same thing all over again.

When my sister came out at 13. I was to blame. Seriously. My mother felt at that time since I was so pro gay and talking about gays in a positive light it somehow seeped into my sisters conscience and made her have the audacity to think this was an okay life choice.

Go forward a few years and we've gotten better. I'm still pro gay and my family is slowly becoming tolerant (I can actually say "lesbian" without getting yelled at/lectured/glared at).

So back to Soc. I have to do a paper about homosexuality and I'm supposed to have it balanced between pro and anti gay. I dont want anything to do with anti gay hateful research articles. I always get the urge to punch someone in the fucking throat. And I'm not supposed to get emotional.


I just dont understand where all the hatred comes from. If you dont like someone, whatever. I am not naive and believe that the whole world should hang out holding hands singing happy little ditties.

But I dont understand the intense hatred. The type where people literally go out of their fucking way to make someone else feel miserable about their existence. Then have the nerve to be like its my duty to tell you you're going to hell.

Bitch please.

Find your own happiness and kick rocks you fucking gremlin.

Im also against organized religion. God doesnt go around hating people or trying to blow them up because they dont fit in with "appropriate" values. That doesnt make any sense to me. How you gonna say "love thy neighbor but burn in hell you gay freak" in the same fucking sentence?

Hello, neurosis.

7:15 pm - Friday, Nov. 01, 2013


College Bullshit

I may be losing my shit. But this Soc DQ is sorta fuckin with my head. This guy posted:

"This morning on my way to work I was listening to the local sports radios station and they were discussion Halloween costumes. A listener called in and wanted an opinion on whether her son's costume would be offensive; apparently this white boy is dressing up as Prince Fielder, a black baseball player. The question was, whether applying makeup to the boy's skin would be seen as racist or offensive. I was quite surprised by how many people called in on this topic with strong opinions on both sides of the argument. I think this is very similar to the discussion we had last week regarding American Indian mascots."

I had a girl say it's an unfair double standard and painting skin isn't wrong.

I had another girl say if Wiccans aren't upset with green faces and warts then Blacks shouldnt be upset.

I had another say since everyone face paints for vampires, ghosts, werewolfs, aliens, etc then doing a Black character shouldn't be wrong.

Then I had another say if a White kid wanted to dress up as Martin Luther King Jr. there had to be black face or else it would be unfair to Dr. King to leave the costume unfinished.

You're fuckin kidding me right?

I tried to explain the history of black face. How it was used to dehumanize Blacks for White enjoyment. How no paint needs to be applied for ANY race.

If you wanna dress up in wigs, clothing, etc. No biggie. Face paint? Thats a no go.

The level of ignorance is mind blowing to me. I find this shit racist and hurtful. By doing these types of things it leaves Black characters, as that, characters. When you continue to characterize entire races they are no longer real and it's easier to be racist.

On another note. My Psych class DQ finally got a little interesting. One of her questions is when you think of the 1950's what comes to mind?

My answer:

" When I think of the 50's I think of bored housewives throwing Tupperware parties and taking Valium. The middle class was affluent and pressured to be prefect. I think of Alfred Kinsey and how he came out with his second book, "Sexual Behavior in the Human Female" which shocked America because at this time no one was thinking of females as sexual creatures. It was mind blowing to society to the point of disgust that Kinsey actually put out there in his book that females masturbated frequently and that they weren't all virgins when they got married. Shortly after that he was considered a communist because of the Cold War paranoia. He went from a rock star to an outcast in a very short time and actually died of heart failure in the 50's. When I think of the 1950's I think of Masters and Johnson who forever changed our views on sex. They studied live people masturbating, or couples having sex in the 50's to find out more about sex. The four stages of sex; arousal/excitement, plateau, orgasm, and resolution came from them. They were the first to debunk many common myths such as the vagina produced it's own lubricant when aroused and that females are capable of having multiple orgasms. I think the 1950's helped with various theories because at this time a lot of people felt repressed on one hand and hungry for knowledge on the other. It created a unique period of time where people were daring to be different and break molds to study the same old questions in a new light."

This lead to some very interesting topics about sexuality in females, working females, marriage, and etc. I finally feel as if I no longer wanna bang my head against the table.

2:57 pm - Wednesday, Oct. 30, 2013


Random List Of Conscience

Seventeen (21) cracks me up when he talks about Eleven (16) being in high school. Seventeen is like the prom queen who graduated years ago but keeps bringing up the "good ole days" because they peaked in high school and have absolutely nothing else going for them.

He also reminds me of the movie 21 Jumpstreet. How Channings character goes back to high school confused because the rules have changed. It's cool to be a nerd with a quirky sense of self. It is not cool to be the dumb jock who bullies others.

Seventeen is like that. He doesn't get Eleven and thinks Eleven is such this little weirdo. I personally think it's great. Eleven does have this quirky thing about him, as does the rest of his classmates.

The other week Eleven brought the broom to school because for gym that day everyone had a Quiddicth match. He described it as dodge balls with a broom. I thought that was interesting. Seventeen was like what the fuck ???

Homeschooling my brother Bub (6) has been challenging. And I can't even count how many times I've wanted to rip out my hair or tell him he needs to go fuck himself. Neither are appropriate. But I love seeing how he's doing new things. His handwriting has improved as has his vocabulary. It's almost like hes more in tuned with his world. He will offer some in depth insight or ask some really good questions. Stuff that'll make you pause and go woah how old are you again?

Yesterday I didn't do ANY homework and it felt GREAT! My damn brain needed the rest.

I really don't like my psych class. It's personality and it sounded like it should have been interesting. Maybe the teacher? Or my fellow classmates? Myself? It's such a bust. And that feels almost blasphemy in a way. Like a psych major royally hating on a psych class? Woah!

Speaking on royals I love that song by Lorde. It's a stab at hip hop which is great. I love hip hop but I hate it now. I'm so sick of rappers bragging about shit they truly cant afford, and bitches with basketball sized asses that they bought. That shit is so old. There is no depth or originality. Well only with a few. Thus is why I prefer mixtapes and songs that'll never make it on the radio.

Our society as a whole is stupid and loves stupid shit. I hate the radio. And Miley Cyrus naked ass. Fuck derelicts.

I also like Banks. Her songs "Bedroom Walls" and "Waiting Game" have been in rotation on my iPod along with Lorde's Pure Heroine album.

Back to me bitching about Psych. I honestly don't have anything else to contribute or say in that class. The shitty part? Since I'm online I HAVE to participate in the discussions a few days a week. Ugh. But I feel like I'm not even on the same page with my fellow classmates. The shit they are talking about is so boring and blah.

My Soc class discussion board is popping though. That has some really good things going on in there. I have no issues posting. It just sucks to go from there to my boring Psych one.

Oh well. My grades at stake so I'll find something to say. Thankfully we moved past Freud.

I hate Freud. Or maybe I'm just sick of talking about him? Every. Single. Psych. Class.

It gets old. That man was not that great in terms of we have to basically ignore everyone else in the Psych world. Hello? He didn't invent the shit.

12:31 pm - Thursday, Oct. 24, 2013


Past Fuck Ups - Future Lessons

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